Next Steps

Next Steps

We are so happy that you are here! Your relationship with your Creator God is as unique and beautiful as you. In and instant, we can find ourselves at a new place in our walk of faith. Two Rivers Church wants to be a partner with you in this journey. Sharing Gods message of new life through Jesus and His love with others is our mission. Our church family has a seat at the table for EVERYONE. We all need encouragement and guidance along the way.  Whether you are a first time visitor, seeking faith, challenged by life events, or hungry for spiritual growth, here are few Next Steps:


Try 5

If you are new to Two Rivers Church we would encourage you to Try 5 Sundays with us. We believe that it takes more than a one time visit to get to know who we are and see what we are all about. Keep track of your progress on our weekly handout and we will donate $1 to a community partner for each person in your family when you complete the Try 5.



Throughout the book of Acts (Acts 2; 8; 9; 10; 16; 18; 19; 22) when someone decided to follow Jesus and become a Christian they put their faith in Christ, repented of their sins and were immediately baptized (immersed) for the forgiveness of sins. We would love to help you with this next step.




Once you have been worshipping with us for awhile we would love to invite you to join us in our mission to LOVE GOD, LOVE EACH OTHER, and LOVE THE WORLD. Every other month we offer a MEMBERSHIP CLASS where we talk about how you can partner with us to help us achieve our Love3 mission.



The apostle Paul tells the church in Ephesus (Eph. 2:10) that we are created to serve. Jesus himself said, “I did not come to be served, but to serve and give my life as a ransom for many.” (Mt. 20:28) With that mandate we encourage everyone to get involved. A great next step for anyone who is a follower of Jesus is to get involved serving each other and those around us.



Small Groups

Small Groups is a great place to get connected. Our small groups meet in leader’s homes throughout the week where we share a cup of coffee or a meal together, we pray for one another and most of the time we have a discussion about Sunday’s teaching. We believe that life is made better when we do life together. A great next step for anyone is joining a small group.